Saturday, July 23, 2011

TOPIC - The United States Marine Corps

When initially designing the story, I wanted Tate to be the archetype of hyper-masculinity.  He needed to be in the military, more specifically the Marines.  And the most aggressive would be a Drill Instructor.

The first thing I learned is that the Marines have Drill Instructors, while Drill Sergeants are in the Army.  So the story began.

I was shaky with how I was presenting it early on.  I was trying to wing it.  A friend of mine who used to be a drag queen liked to say, "If you don't know the words, TWIRL."  Well let me say that I was twirling all over the place early on.

Then it hit me.  I have eleven days to tell a story about a DI.  Sooner or later I was going to have to give some background to the man, so the research began.  

While I was on Facebook, someone I friended a few months prior contacted me to ask about Mack.  After discussing Mack's ruggedly handsome looks, massive cock, and wonderful personality, I transitioned the conversation to my friend's 8 years in the Marines.  I know, very subtle.

After giving him the briefest of synopses, he started answering simple questions.  Those answers helped a lot.  We struck up a non-facebook friendship.  Slowly it became more of a stronger friendship.

I showed Day 1 to him, and he was hooked.  With the scat on Day 2, he was unhooked.  But that didn't stop him form helping me with technical advice.  Specifically, he provided background to Tate's career, the blues, saluting, presenting a sword, shooting, disciplining, etc.  He helped me so much that I changed the Gunny's name from Gunny Veers to Gunny Valley after him.

The only part he didn't provide research on is the incorporation of the bombing of the Marine Headquarters in Beirut.  That part I did extensive research on.

I vaguely remember the bombing as a young man.  So when I started reading about it on the internet, I was really learning about it for the first time.  But this time I read first hand accounts from the men who were there.  It was gut wrenching.

I am so proud of their resilience.  To hear their first hand accounts, meant more to me than anything else I learned from this exercise in writing.  I knew that I had to be respectful with Tate's soliloquy.  As I was writing it, I got teared up a number of times—fucking allergies.  I get fucking allergies about every time I re-read it.

It didn't seem to fit in to the rest of the story.  I was going to scrap this entire part of Tate's background, because here I was putting something so profoundly meaningful to so many people into a porn story.  But, I decided to go for it as many readers probably never heard of it.  I am so glad that I did.  Tate became more human, more of a man, more of a Marine to me.  It is from that research that my tone switched.  I knew that this wasn't going to be another porn story.  I changed and I wasn't going back.

I do want to bring up the two hundred twenty Marines, eighteen Sailors, and three Soldiers were on killed that October morning--to them and their loved ones I say thank you--thank you for your service, thank you for your sacrifice.  You are truly amongst the best.  Semper Fi.

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