Saturday, July 11, 2015


A few fan reviews have come in. Vast majority are five star reviews!

First from Amazon:
I am very well acquainted with the BDSM lifestyle having been a part of it for years. This story was written by a man who clearly knows what he's talking about.

The main characters are absolutely compelling. Their journey together as well as individually is so well written I found myself pulled into their world and wanting to be a part of it. For the first half of the book, I had a love/hate relationship with Sgt Tate. Three quarters through and I fell in love with him. Dan is a remarkable young man. I'd love to spend time with him, as well.

I went through every emotion reading this book. Love, hate, lust, disgust, sadness, anger, joy. I laughed, I cried. There are 3 points in the story where I just completely teared up. The emotions this story conjures are very powerful. It was a very emotional roller coaster ride. If you don't tear up at least once, you have no soul.

Please, please write more...just nothing further in this story. For me, where the story ends is where it should stay. I would devour anything else. This book left me needing more. A truly fantastic read.

Thank you SO much for this amazing story!

(More after the jump)

From iTunes:
A friend of mine recommended this eBook knowing that I prefer gay kinky erotica. It is so hard to find well written stories that aren’t just a series of sexual escapades strung together with the flimsiest story. When my friend, who also knows the author recommended it, I started to read the lengthy sample. I admit, I was interested even though I thought the book would be a series of sexscapades like I have read too often. About a quarter the way in I started to get a sense that the author was allowing these characters and the story to have room to grow. And they grow without sacrificing or shying away the hot sex.

This book is a book of extremes, and I’m not talking about the sex, which are at times very extreme. The author can turn a quiet tender moment into an intense raw brutal one with just a few words. There is a scene well into the book that is mind blowingly intense and unexpected, and it started with a casual comment by one of the characters.

I have never read anything like this story before. It mixes the sexual with the emotional so seamlessly that it works like I have rarely seen. Hell, I even started to cry in parts.

I recommend this to anyone who has an open mind to gay kink erotica. It is one hell of a rollercoaster ride.

Another from Amazon:
Okay this book surprised the hell out of me. I bought it on a recommendation of a friend. I was expecting just some erotica with lots of the usual fun. I got that plus a whole lot more that was way more satisfying and introspective. This is a very intimate look at two people and how they help each other to mature. The character development was just so brilliantly laid out. I wanted to know these people. There were emotional punches that I did not expect at all. All in all, one of the most satisfying reads of any genre that I have had in awhile.

A Third from Amazon:
Wow. I cannot come to wrap my head around what I just read. I was expecting something different, way different. I was expecting an erotic story. What I got was an in depth study into these two men. That's not to say that it isn't sexual, it is. In fact the sexual escapades are sometimes extremely graphic. What surprised me most is how the sex and the story seamlessly intertwine with one another all while sustaining a high level of intensity. Wow again.

From a book standpoint, it is well crafted. There is a believable plot that continually builds; and the pacing feels right between the really intense parts to the quieter parts. There are surprises throughout. The characters are well thought out including the minor ones. If I had one complaint, it that the author could describe things in more detail; what is presented is minimal, but it keeps the movement flowing and it fits into a military feel.

From an erotica standpoint, it is well crafted as well. The sex is varied, so it doesn't feel like someone's fetish being described for hundred of pages. This is definitely sadomasochism. I felt at times that I was masochistic for liking some parts that should normally repulse me, but I kept reading.

I am so glad to have found a book that the author didn't dumb down the twisted aspect just to reach a wider audience.

I have never heard of Robert Zigmont, but I would love to read more of his work.


First from Lulu:
This book is nothing like anything I have read before. There is a story here and it is well thought out with full characters. It is very brutal and explicit at times and tender others. The sex is hot, and the way he describes the extreme stuff is done in a way that I didn't get turned off to it. I felt completely engrossed in this tale, and it is long. I sat down reading it, and couldn't put it away. The second half of the book was read in one setting because it was so good. I did have to put it down for some of the extreme stuff, but when I was away from my ipad, I had to find out what happened, and I went back to it. This is one of the best pieces of erotica I have ever come across.

A Second from Lulu:
I had the privilege of reading an earlier version of this book a few years ago, and knowing the story didn’t make this a less powerful reading experience. Including an intermediate draft, this was my third time reading it. To put my comments in perspective: my interest was and is the dom/sub theme, not the particular kind of sex acts. The two main characters are excellent and a major reason the book works so well. The story is your basic erotic romance (as I understand the definition), only with much more sex and quite a few raunchy bits that I assume would turn off the majority of erotic romance readers. Like the first reviewer said, for those of us not as enamored with certain acts of raunchy sex, the book makes those scenes not only (forgive me) palatable, but hot. (Okay, I did have to force certain images out of my mind sometimes.) My primary squick area was, surprisingly, the frequent absence of lube rather than all the ass-to-mouth action, which, Like Dan, I got used to. For me personally, some of the sex started to get repetitive about 75% of the way through, but that’s pretty good, considering I read for the D/s, not the raunchy sex. Other readers will be happy with it. More important to me was maintaining the psychological experience -- the tension, Dan’s internal struggles, the power dynamic -- and that was consistently well done. I don’t like using numerical rating scales, in part because the reference point is not clear -- all books? all books of this genre? my rating of enjoyment? my assessment of quality? Even so, I’ll give it 4.5 and post this as 5 stars.

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