Wednesday, July 27, 2011

TOPIC - Why did I write 11 Days with Sgt Tate?

There are many reasons why I wrote the story.

  • I am twisted, and I tend to thrive on unusual or different stories that evolve in my head.  I start out thinking about one aspect and then I evolve it to the next scene.  I tend to like the stories where the characters are manipulated, and don't realize it until way later.
  • I got tired of reading predictable stories.  The gay erotic stories tend to be so predictable, especially in S&M fiction.  slave somehow connects with Master; Master uses slave in a fetish coincidentally that both share; Master takes slave permanently.   Don't get me wrong; there are a lot out there that don't do this.  But they are few and far between.  Also, as the author lays out the fetish story, he will tell everything that is about to happen.  Surprises are few and far between.
  • I wanted to tell a story with a beginning, middle, and end.  Nothing irks me more than good erotic stories that are abandoned, or even worse: good stories that go on and on and on and on without a conclusion.  After a while there is nothing new.  I wanted to let the reader know that the story comes to an end after 11 Days.
  • Characters are always first.  I remember arguing with one creative writing instructor when he said this; it bothered the fuck out of me.  My contention was then that plot is more important, because those characters have to do something.  Now there needs to be a blending of the two.  You cannot write a good story without both in mind.  So having said that, I wanted full characters, even Tard who I did not want to have him possess any depth turned into one of the more meaningful creations. Everyone of my characters needed to have their own way of expressing himself, and I had to stick to it.  I wanted fleshed out characters with their own desires.  [I am so resisting the temptation to change this bullet title.]
  • I am not sexually irresponsible.  As of right now, I am still negative.  I do not participate in the activities described in my story.  This is fantasy.  In my fantasy, there is no need for condoms (with the one exception at the rest area).  I wrote this so that I can explore without fear and stigma.  By breaking that one line, I decided to go all out and write about things that I am intrigued by but have no desire for.  I have gotten complaints about safety in my story.  One person was adamantly worried about Dan's safety.  I had to reassure him that Dan is a fictional.
  • I like fucking with peoples heads.  Putting Dan through awful things did not bring me any sense of pleasure.  But, knowing the readers are going through the mind fuck is where I got my greatest pleasure.  I planned key moments for the longest time.  I kept adding more and more sadistic things to make those reading squirm.  I stretched it out, playing with the reader's mind.  I put red herrings all over the place to get the mood or the feeling of one thing only to completely change it in the end.  It was all fun. 


  1. Your story really inspired me. As a fellow writer, I want to take these notes into precaution.

    1. Jake. I'm glad I inspired you. Is there anyplace I can find your work?

    2. Well I have a writing account containing interactive stories, but the problem with them is that they kind of follow a lot of the problems you started you avoid. They focus on raunch and daddy/boy -type relationships, but most of them involve furries, and all of them can drone on about sexual acts. In fact, I don't think any of them have sex scenes, but they follow more under the "porn" category than they do erotica.

      I have two accounts on ; sage94 and cooldude9404 (they sound lame, I made them when I was still a horny teenager). Since they're interactives, chapters can be added by anybody, but this one in particular manages to attract good additions, mainly by me, with only a couple added by others.

      It's pretty generic and told in second person. It mostly contains fart-related porn, but contains other raunchy acts. It has a time limit of one week, but it's still focusing on the first day...

      After reading your story, I kinda realised that this pales in comparison, but since I can still add to it, I hope to make it better in the future.
